«Pause for Thought»: On May 15, 2024 «Visdomsspirer» («Buds of Wisdom») hosted a Zoom seminar on the Academy’s responsibility during genocide. Moderator: Rannveig Haga. Panelists: Adnan Mahmutović, Ingela Visuri, and Dag Herbjørnsrud. A recording is available at this YouTube link. Info from Visdomsspirer: «In our second Pause for Thought- Seminar we have invited Adnan Mahmutović, Ingela Visuri and Dag Herbjørnsrud to discuss the response-ability of academia during the ongoing genocide […]
The author, Distinguished Professor (University of California, Irvine), and long-time candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (b. 1938), has contributed a new text to the biannual journal Cosmopolis (Brussels, Belgium) in January 2020. The text is named «Decolonization must be global» (French: «La décolonisation doit être mondiale»), and it is published in a special issue on «Decolonizing the Academy» (link to Content), edited by the global […]
The journal Cosmopolis – a journal of cosmopolitics (Brussels, Belgium) – which is published twice a year, is planning a special issue on the topic “Decolonizing the Academy” in late 2020. We are looking for articles, papers, and texts that can illuminate the topic. Please send you proposal (a short sketch is enough) to dag@sgoki.org by February 1st, 2020. Final deadline for finished texts: October 15th, 2020. (PHOTO CAPTION: The […]
The African Student Association, University of Oslo, hosted the event «Academia in a ‘Post-Colonial Era’» on October 11, 2018, 5-8 pm. Location: Helga Engs hus, aud. 3, University of Oslo, Norway. Video I (13 min, FB). of Dag Herbjørnsrud’s introduction «Decolonize the Academy 101«. Video II (27 min, FB) of the panel discussion. Video III (10 min., 10) of the panel discussion. Excerpt from the invitation, Facebook event: «On-going debates […]