On Tuesday March 5, Dag Herbjørnsrud delivered the lecture «NATO – the Western exceptionalism approach in framing wars and human rights violations» at Tromsø Municipal Library. The event was streamed. Q & A.
A recording of the event at Tromsø Library, Norway (it starts after 18 min, 30 sec, as linked):
Selection of slides from the presentation:

From the presentation:

Info about the event: «At this seminar, Dag Herbjørnsrud will give an introduction analysing the role of NATO within the history of Western exceptionalism and European imperialism. He will connect this to the ways wars and human rights violations in different regions of the world are framed in governmental, inter-governmental, and media contexts. Herbjørnsrud will discuss examples such as the genocide in Gaza and the war in Ukraine.

After the introduction, there will be ample time for discussion and mingling. The event will be in English. During the discussion, it is possible to ask questions in both English and Norwegian. The event will be streamed (more information follows).
The seminar is organised by the Initiative the Art of Being Anti-Racist, and OMOD – Centre for Social Justice.
Dag Herbjørnsrud is a historian of ideas, author, and founder of the Center for Global and Comparative History of Ideas (Senter for global og komparativ idéhistorie, SGOKI) in Oslo. He was a journalist and commentator at Aftenposten (1995-2005), chief editor of the global weekly magazine Ny Tid (2005-2015), and guest editor of a special issue of the bilingual journal Cosmopolis (Brussels), on «Decolonizing the Academy», with author and Professor Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o. Herbjørnsrud sits on the Editorial Review Board of the book series Global Epistemics.»
More info: uit.no/tavla/artikkel/838723/nato_-_the_western_exceptionalism_approach_in_fra
Venue: Tromsø Library, Grønnegata 94: tromso.kommune.no/bibliotek