The long-time Nobel Prize candidate and Professor at California University (Levine), Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (b. 1938) delivered the inaugural Black History Month lecture for Quantum Biology Lab (QBL), Howard University (Washington, DC.) on February 22, 2022. The title of the Ngugi lecture, the third in the «Decolonizing the History and Future of Knowledge» series, is «Decolonizing the Cognitive Process.» After the lecture, Ngugi joined a discussion, moderated by the physical […]
Decolonizing Knowledge
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For the second teaching year in a row, the paper «Beyond decolonizing: global intellectual history and reconstruction of a comparative method» (2021, online from May 2019) by Dag Herbjørnsrud is listed as «required reading» in Professor Lorenzo Kamel’s corso (course) «Colonial Spaces and Post-Colonial Studies: History and Methodologies» at the University of Turin (Torino), Italy. The paper is the only «required reading» text in Lesson 3, which is named «Beyond […]